Boiler Inspection Services

Ultrasonic Thickness Survey

Fast, cost-effective boiler surveys are performed by highly trained, experienced personnel using state of the art ultrasonic data loggers.

Composite Tube Inspection

Liquid penetrant inspection of composite tube material is performed to identify damaged areas, while non-ferrous coating surveys determine the overall thickness of the composite material.

Onsite Reporting

Clients may choose to have formal, computer generated color reports completed onsite. These reports can be customized to client requirements, and may include analysis and trending of previous inspection data.

Computed Radiography

SSS has been providing Computed Radiography (CR) services to our Pulp and Paper clients. Computed Radiography, unlike conventional film radiography, uses special imaging plates to capture digital images that can be saved in a variety of electronic formats such as CD and DVD. Computed Radiography is ASME code compliant and offers substantial benefits compared to conventional film radiography. Some of the benefits include: 

  • Increased production levels
  • Lower radiation exclusion zones
  • Eliminates the use of hazardous chemicals
  • Immediate inspection results
  • Electronic data storage